The challenges of physical activity adherence during pregnancy
Winter 2022-2023
Are you a bachelor or master’s degree student in Exercise Sciences or Health Sciences?
Do you want to work in an international group on promoting a healthy and active lifestyle and planning a tailored physical activity intervention for pregnant women?
Topics related to promotion of physical activity and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, guidelines for physical activity, pre-exercise and fitness testing, and exercise prescription and adaptations, practical and online group work.
Consortium of seven European Universities from Portugal, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Lithuania, and Norway: • ESDRM Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior – IPSANTAREM Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Rio Maior, Portugal.
• Faculty of Education Sciences – University of Sevilla, Seville, Spain
• Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy
• Faculty of Physical Culture, Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland
• Lithuanian Sport University, Kaunas, Lithuania • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway
• INHolland University of Applied Sciences, Aalsmeer, The Netherlands